
Hunting mirc chat
Hunting mirc chat

hunting mirc chat

At the moment I can't even seem to find a working one!ĭoes anyone here have suggestions of bots I can try, especially with examples of the frontend. Especially tech support channels so users can look back through logs to find answers, but I can't find a good, simple, elegant solution. Has nobody addressed this issue before? This seems like something a lot of people can use. The other bot I haven't tried, but after looking at it's frontend. As I siad, I don't have the experience to add better connection abilities myself. Even once you get it working, the bot dies about every 4 hours or so. The installation process is HORRIBLY un-userfriendly. When trying to reinstall it though, I failed yet again, even with the instructions he left. After getting someone with more experience than me to look at it, he discover about half of it had to be recoded. I'm no professional, but I'd say I know far more than the standard user. I'm familiar with *nix commands, servers, and SSH. I've tried the ilbot, I have a lot of technical experience, but almost none in programming. I've found 2 so far that do the bare minimum. The problem, as I said, is that none are worth a darn. I'd like a few other options, but that can come later. The best example of a good frontend is the one called ilbot (great example here ) It lets you search for text, display days, find a day with a handy little calender, even display a text-only version. Again, I don't care what it's written in. What I'm looking for is a bot, I don't care what the backend is written in, so long as it logs all messages, along with time and author, to include joins and connects, to an SQL database, preferably MySQL. Alright, so I'm looking for a very simple bot, and I can't find one that performs worth a darn.

Hunting mirc chat