![How to install apk on bluestacks 4](https://cdn1.cdnme.se/5447227/9-3/22_64e61dfde087c31b3e70ff43.png)
![how to install apk on bluestacks 4 how to install apk on bluestacks 4](https://support.bluestacks.com/hc/article_attachments/360097053051/1.jpg)
You may now proceed with the steps to root Bluestacks 4 and install the SuperSU 2.82 and SU Binary files. Likewise, you could also use the Root Checker app to check if the Bluestack has been properly rooted or not.Also, download the SuperSu 2.82 APK file.We would be using this application to unlock your Bluestack, root it, and then install the necessary SU binaries. Next up, download the latest version of BlueStacks Tweaker.Make sure you have the latest build of Bluestacks up and running.If there are mobile titles you want to play on your PC, BlueStacks more than delivers. The emulator runs smoothly and allows you to play popular titles with customized PC controls or your touchscreen. Gaming is going to be the primary use case for many BlueStacks users and I think they'll be happy with it. I ran into a few stutters that affected my gameplay but for the most part, I could play Breakneck well, or at least almost every time I crashed was my fault and not BlueStacks'. I use a Matebook X Pro which isn't a powerhouse but does have an MX150 in it to give it a little extra oomph. Performance of BlueStacks is going to vary depending on your hardware. This is a great addition to BlueStacks and makes it easy to play games like PUBG, some would say too easy. You can map keys on a per game basis, create custom tap spots on your screen that you can map to specific keys, and even use you mouse to aim and shoot (though many would consider that unfair). BlueStacks 4 allows you to create custom keyboard maps to make sure that you can play mobile games with your keyboard setup. One of the most important features for an emulator is keyboard mapping.
![How to install apk on bluestacks 4](https://cdn1.cdnme.se/5447227/9-3/22_64e61dfde087c31b3e70ff43.png)